1541 VI 21 – to Duke Albrecht of Prussia

1541 VI 21 – to Duke Albrecht of Prussia

Copernicus to Duke Albrecht of Prussia, Frombork, 21 June 1541

Original: Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, HBA, C 1a, Kasten 497.

Nicholas Copernicus (Nicolaus Copernicus) informs Albrecht, the Duke of Prussia, that yesterday he received an answer from John Benedict Solfa, doctor of the Polish King, concerning the matter of George von Kunheim, commander in Tapiau. Since it does not refer to other questions, the Duke is sent the letter from which he will learn the advice of Doctor John Benedict. Copernicus is prepared for further efforts to help the infirmed Kunheim.


Further reading:
  • Biskup Marian, Regesta Copernicana, Warszawa 1973.
  • Kopernik Mikołaj, Pisma pomniejsze, Warszawa 2007.

Frombork, 21 June 1541

To the serene and honorable prince, Albert, by the grace of God margrave of Brandenburg, duke of Prussia and Wendland, burgrave of Neuenburg, and prince of Rügen, my gracious lord

Serene, honorable Prince, gracious lord:

Just yesterday I received from Jan Benedict [Solfa], the physician of His Majesty the king of Poland, a letter and an answer to my message about the honorable George of Kunheim, commander in Tapiau etc. But since no mention is made therein of any other special or extraneous matters, I have forwarded the original letter to your Princely Grace. From it your Princely Grace will learn this doctor's opinion and advice. If I knew anything better to contribute thereto that would be helpful in restoring that good man, your Princely Grace's officer, to health, no labor, exertion, and trouble would be vexatious to me that would be beneficial to your Princely Grace, to whose service I am devoted.

Frombork, 21 June 1541

Your Princely Grace's

obedient servant

Nicholas Copernicus


Translation by Edward Rosen

Frombork, 21 June 1541

Dem Durchlauchtigen und Hochgeborn Fursten von Gots gnoden Albrechten Margauen zcu Brandenburg, zcu Preussen und Wenden Herzogen, Burgrefen zcu Noremberg und Fursten zcu Regen, meinem gnadigisten Herren

Durchlautiger, Hochgeborner Furst, Genediger Here. Ich hab gestern ersten vom Koniglicher Majestat zcu Polen doctori loanni Benedicto ein briff und auff mein schreben von wegen des erenuesten Georgen Kunhaim hauptman zcu Tapiau etc. antwort ubirkomen. Die weil aber an das nichs von andern besonderen adder fremden sachen beruth wirt, hab ich Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden den selbigen haupt briff zcu gestaldt, aus welchem Ewer Furstliche Gnaden des selbigen doctoren rath und dunken wirdt vernehmen. Wost ich doneben was bessers zcu zcuschissen, do mit dem gutten herren, Ever Furstlichen Gnaden amptsmann beholflig sein zcu seiner gesundheit erstatunge, solten mir kein arbeit, mue und surge Ewer Furstlichen Gnaden zcuwolgefallen, deren ich mich thue vleissig bevehlen verdrislich sein. Datum Frauemburg am XXI Juij im MDXLI iore.

Euer Furstlichen Durchlaucht underteniger diner

Nicolaus Copernicus


HBA, C 1a, Kasten 497
HBA, C 1a, Kasten 497

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin, HBA, C 1a, Kasten 497


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